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NExtgen - Young Agents


NExtgen - Young Agents


Big "I" Nebraska's Young Agents group, called "NExtgen" is a tightly knit community of members under age 45 from across the state. Our goal is to help young professionals network with others, develop their skills and grow as a leader.  

Join Nextgen

NExtgen hosts both in-person and virtual activities throughout the year, including:

  • NExtgen activities at IIAN conferences
  • Quarterly Lunch N Learn webinars for 1 hour of free CE
  • Networking social events
  • College outreach events at UNL, UNO and UNK
  • GIVE Week community service project
  • Scholarships for young agents to attend IIAN and IIABA conferences

Don't forget that work should be fun and rewarding. Reward yourself by joining NExtgen and have some fun!


jon h.jpg

Zak Morken

Jared Ohl

Jared Ohl
Vice President

Sara Vesely

Sara Vesely